導航:首頁 > 網路連接 > 鄉村社會網路連接機制英語翻譯


發布時間:2022-08-12 02:05:43

A. 鄉村建設的英文,鄉村建設的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯鄉村

鄉村建設的英文翻譯是:Rural construction

B. 社交網路的英文是什麼

英文是:social network、communication net

C. "網路連接失敗,無法同步存檔,請檢查您的網路環境"翻譯成英語

Network connection failed, unable to synchronize file, please check your network environment.

D. 高手幫忙翻譯英文

你好 翻譯如下

Graally infiltrated into the network at all levels of social life today, the traditional test methods are also faced with change, and the network test is a very important direction. Web-based Network Test System can help the Internet around the world, so the examination can be concted locally in Hong Kong can also be carried out in different places, greatly expanding the flexibility of the exam.
Examination papers can be used to generate the system automatically generates real-time not only to avoid the traditional hand-out volume, as well as unnecessary plication of effort at the uneven distribution of knowledge, issues such as ease of misconct, and a significant rection in the papers the probability of missing some error and mistakes, rection of unnecessary trouble.
In addition, the majority of the scoring can work to the computer, thus greatly enhance the efficiency of marking; results can also be sent directly to the database, statistics, sorting and other operations. The candidates could name, ticket number and password to log in, the examination answers stored in the server, so that the fairness of the examination, the answer to the security are effectively guaranteed. Therefore, the way a network will be the examination after the examination of trends in development.

E. 中文翻譯成英文,內容相關農村信息化,請求幫忙

Project Description

The new agricultural project is to promote the process of information construction in rural areas of Hunan, a government project, by the Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission project (project Ref: Hunan High-Tech Development and Reform Commission [2007] No. 889), in 2008 by the Hunan Provincial Development and Reform The Committee finds that the first new comprehensive agricultural information service system pilot project (pilot symbol: Hunan High-Tech Development and Reform Commission [2008] No. 770), and in 2009 the building of the Office of Hunan Province, Hunan Province Development and Reform Commission jointly identified as Hunan Province, key construction project of new construction projects in rural areas, one (the key construction project approval Ref: Xiang Jian [2009] No. 47), from Hunan Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. The new province-wide organization, preparation, construction and implementation.

The new project is a change in the rural agricultural landscape, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, power in the contemporary, will benefit future generations of the popular project is the construction of new socialist countryside in Hunan key projects, one. Based on the "new countryside construction of information and train new farmers and the modern, prosperous new economy in rural areas has brought a new face in rural areas" as the mission to "Information Services three rural issues" for the purpose to establish a comprehensive information service network in rural areas in Hunan platform, to promote a Hunan Rural accelerate the realization of network, information, promotion of Hunan from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, agricultural transformation, promotion of Hunan peasant farmers shift to a modern novel.

The new agricultural project from "rural network", the "new agricultural e home", "training" and other construction projects, who constitute a platform from the network to the information terminal network, the service chain of physical network, and then to the training of information professionals rural information-based Integrated Service Project.

P1 engineering background

From 2005 to 2008, the Central Document No. stressed the fourth consecutive year to promote information technology in rural areas, the Central Document No. 2009 is proposed "to encourage qualified local transformation of construction of rural multi-service centers", the use of information technology in building a more Good to promote peasant incomes.

All roads lead to the rural information network construction in Hunan Province divorced from horizontal division, did not form a comprehensive service system as a whole, there is no one with authority to coordinate central and local agriculture-related sites leading website

Because information is relatively isolated, HU Nan's rural economy can not be effectively integrated into the national market, information sources and information transfer, "last mile" problem become an obstacle to new rural construction bottleneck.

To promote information technology in rural areas in Hunan is not only the development of modern agriculture, an important measure to promote the farmers income, but also develop new farmers, promote the development of agricultural instrialization realistic choice.

Document No. 2008

Actively promote information technology in rural areas. In accordance with effective demand, heavy service, wide coverage, multi-mode requirements, integration of resources and build a platform to improve the rural information service system. Promote "McKinnon", "three-in-one" model of rural information and rural business information services, construction, information services and actively explore ways and means of villages and peasant households. Across the country to promote public welfare services to the agricultural tariff concessions phone. Improve the collection and dissemination of agricultural information system for farmers and enterprises to provide timely and effective information services.







F. 英語wired connection怎麼翻譯

wired connection 應該是「有線連接」。
是相對於最近比較熱門的無線連接=wireles connection而言出來新詞。

G. 英語public net怎麼翻譯

英語public net意思為公共網路。


音標:英[ˈpʌblɪk] 美[ˈpʌblɪk]




H. 網路,英文英文

網路的英文:network;electric network;meshwork;system。


ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over anetwork.








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